Damarys Del Castillo
Mrs. Damarys Del Castillo has a BS in Animal Science from the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus and a Master of Science in Food Safety with a certification in International Food Laws from Michigan State University.
She has been working with the Food Industry for more than 25 years in areas of thermal processing, pasteurization, low-moisture foods, canned foods and meat products.
She has served as a speaker on Better Process Control School trainings with the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Also, she completed trainings on BPCS, HACCP, PCQI, FSVP, Sanitary Transportation, Thermal Process and Thermal Process Deviations, Food Labeling, Intentional Adulteration and Food Defense. Currently, Mrs. Del Castillo is the Global Director of Food Safety Culture and Food Safety Systems at Sigma, a leading multinational Food Company. Prior to this role, she worked for 19 years as the Director of Quality Control at Goya de Puerto Rico.
Conference: Women leaders in Safety. Passion and Collaboration that builds.
Hour: 12:45 p.m. to 13:30 p.m.